Saturday, December 26, 2009

Fishing from the Mount Reef Fish

Wediombo Jepitu located in the Village, District Girisubo, Gunung Kidul Regency. This beach is very easy to reach when previously have come to the Beach Siung. Simply return to the fork in Tepus before heading Siung, then turn right to follow the road until you see signs to turn right toward Wediombo.

In addition to the amazing coastal scenery, Wediombo also offers a unique tour experience, even extreme, that is fishing in the height of the cliff. When this type of tour that started from local residents fishing habit is favored by the middle of the city of Yogyakarta and Wonogiri.

It was not easy to lure in the cliff, because its location is far from the beach. Rock hill can only be reached after walking east along the shore, up and down the rock on the shore was steep, slippery and sometimes slammed by big waves, then up again until the top of the cliff face to face with the deep sea. For those who have used it, the way to the cliff could take an hour.

However, remarkable results can be harvested after defeating all obstacles. Local residents expressed, the fish often get large by local tourists. At a minimum, anglers will get a marlin, or fish panjo in local terms. Fish whose length is equivalent to an adult human arm has 2 types, which form gilig (cylinders) mostly found in the dry season, while the flattened (flat) encountered during the rainy season.

For fishing, the capital only in the form of fish bait that can even be found at the edge of the beach. Live using fishing line or a small net stretched, then the feedback could be obtained.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Quick Tips Fishing Fish

Before discussing further, it helps us to know beforehand where the location of fish to each other have very different characteristics.

Location factors are divided into 2 (two), namely:
1. Fishing in the river or pond or in the mouth
2. Fishing at sea

General fishing gear that is needed is

- Stick his rod and reel.
- Bait (shrimp, worms, pellets or own concoction)
- Fishing hook
- Tang-shaped taper (used if the punctured finger hook)
- Small Buoy
- Place saving catch
- Special fishing vest

Fishing in the river / estuary
That need to be prepared is to tackle the above mentioned factors with respect to bait and fishing equipment settings. Bait used in this location is generally worms and shrimps, while for setting fishing pole hook is installed. The number of hook fishing rod in each of at least 2 hook, with the position under the tin. Distance hook with lead approximately 10 cm 15 cm samapai

Fishing in the Pond or Pond
Fishing equipment just like the above and depending on the type of fish bait to be provoked. For the gold fish bait usually use homemade ingredients and the ingredients are also easily obtained. The material used in the form of pellets flour grain, meat fish and others. If you do not want too much trouble this feedback can be obtained at the fish store or a fishing store. Especially for mujair and similar fish, bait used was a worm or green moss.

For setting fishing pole at this location, hook number which can be used 2 or more to the position above buoy hook. Limit the level of lead vest and adjusted to the depth of water. For the depth of 1.5 meters, the distance between the buoy and tin also 1.5 meters, and a float stopper limited use.

For media-sea fishing divided into 2 (two), namely
1. Fishing by the sea
2. Fishing at sea

Fishing by the sea
Bait used for fishing on the seashore is different from fishing in fresh water. Bait used to use squid in small pieces, shrimp or small fish. Setting the same instrument setting pole to fish in the river

The use of bait with shrimp or small fish usually used when in the sea water is murky. If the water is clear, the bait used to use squid that has been cut because the fish in the sea could have reached the edge of the sea

Fishing at sea
Getting started amid sea fishing is a fishing pole and bait that usually use the whole squid. Setting fishing pole there are 2 ways to use and usually used for fishing at depths of ≤ 100 meters

First, setting the bait hanging, which is the position feedback between the surface sea water and seabed using more than 2 hook. This type of fishing for barracuda, bawal or cob. The second setting above the bait, the bait position was about 2 or 3 meters below the buoy. Setting this bait is to fish such as tuna fish and Layur

Middle of the sea for fishing there are also a kind of artificial bait made of shiny plastic. Such feedback can be obtained at the fishing shop, shape and color to attract the attention of passing fish around the hook.
Tips are not less important to the middle of the sea fishing is to avoid fishing in the moonlight as the moonlight on the sea surface, allowing light to find prey fish through the aid of moonlight. And for the sake of our salvation keaamanan and avoid fishing season when the west wind or rainy season

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The levers of Gasoline Octane Numbers

Premium gasoline has octane number 88. But it can be as additional pertamax with 99% ethanol, because
ethanol has a 117 octane number.
Way, mix a certain percentage of premium gasoline by a few percent of ethanol. For example a mixture of 1: 9, in which 10% ethanol dtambahkan to 90% premium. Take 10 ml of ethanol with 90 ml to 1 liter premium benzene (gasoline - ethanol), then the octane number to be 10% X 117 + 90% x 88 = 90.9 or approximately pertamax.
Mixing between the premium with ethanol can be done with a different ratio. Saka only caution is required for vehicles under the age of 2000 years. Ethanol dissolves the rubber properties, thus threatening the seal strengt valve.

Friday, November 13, 2009


Diesel has for some time now been a highly popular alternative to straight petroleum as a method of powering cars. In a number of ways, while we have waited for the emergence of genuine renewable fuels to put into our cars, diesel has been the best compromise option, as it is considerably less of a pollutant than gasoline. Not only that, it has proven to be a great deal more economical too, meaning that drivers who change to a diesel are rewarded for their choice by saving a large amount on their fuel bills. However, it is also a fact that diesel is not itself free from polluting chemicals – and this has led to the search for a more environmentally friendly alternative that can be used in diesel vehicles.

The days of biodiesel, it seems, are finally here. The manufacturers of diesel cars have for some time been resisting the introduction of biodiesel, claiming that it was uneconomical to try and run a vehicle on it. With the continuing development of the fuel, however, it has been accepted by more than one manufacturer that the introduction of biodiesel is inevitable. The news is good for the environment, as it will allow the production of natural, renewable diesel which will burn cleaner than conventional diesel. The new fuel will work in existing diesel engines, something which makes the change less problematic for the motorist – and its renewable nature means that it will be less prone to fluctuations in the market price.

Another reason why biodiesel is seen as being so important is the presence of sulfur in a lot of the commercially available diesel on the modern-day market. Even in the lower-sulfur diesel fuels available on the market, there was a concern over the lubricating properties of the fuel. Biodiesel is likely to mean that the fuel systems of cars using it to operate suffer less system wear, and this will lead to longer lives for vehicles. The knock on effect of this is that there is an additional benefit for the environment in the shape of less unnecessary scrappage of older vehicles. More and more governments are now mandating the increased production and use of biodiesel for just these reasons.

Mindful of the need to take an exemplary lead, certain global institutions are making the switch to at least partially run their vehicles on biodiesel. British businessman Richard Branson, whose Virgin brand runs a fleet of trains in the United Kingdom, has unveiled the world’s first ever biodiesel train, a hybrid engine that is believed to cut down on direct emissions by 14%. The British Royal Family followed that lead and managed to convert the Royal Train to operate on 100% biodiesel in the autumn of 2007. That same year, Disneyland made a switch to run the theme park trains on 98% biodiesel. Although this campaign hit some glitches due to storage, the plan got back on track in 2009, and now all park trains are running on locally sourced biodiesel.