Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The levers of Gasoline Octane Numbers

Premium gasoline has octane number 88. But it can be as additional pertamax with 99% ethanol, because
ethanol has a 117 octane number.
Way, mix a certain percentage of premium gasoline by a few percent of ethanol. For example a mixture of 1: 9, in which 10% ethanol dtambahkan to 90% premium. Take 10 ml of ethanol with 90 ml to 1 liter premium benzene (gasoline - ethanol), then the octane number to be 10% X 117 + 90% x 88 = 90.9 or approximately pertamax.
Mixing between the premium with ethanol can be done with a different ratio. Saka only caution is required for vehicles under the age of 2000 years. Ethanol dissolves the rubber properties, thus threatening the seal strengt valve.

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